Ironshore Therapeutics Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2008

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Acquired/​Merged

  • Employees
  • 10


  • Latest Deal Type
  • M&A

  • Latest Deal Amount
  • $646M

Ironshore Therapeutics General Information


Developer of proprietary drugs designed to develop and commercialize first-in-class treatment options to improve the lives of patients and caregivers. The company's drug delivery system offers oral controlled-release technology for evening dosing of medication with delayed and extended-release characteristics to provide for next-day therapeutic activity beginning in the early morning and lasting throughout the day, enabling ADHD patients and their families to address unmet medical needs to treat ADHD conditions during the morning routine.

Contact Information

Formerly Known As
Highland Therapeutics
Ownership Status
(Operating Subsidiary)
Financing Status
Formerly VC-backed
Corporate Office
  • 430 Davis Drive
  • Suite 250
  • Morrisville, NC 27560
  • United States
+1 (647)
Primary Industry
Drug Delivery
Other Industries
Drug Discovery
Parent Company
Corporate Office
  • 430 Davis Drive
  • Suite 250
  • Morrisville, NC 27560
  • United States
+1 (647)

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Ironshore Therapeutics Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage
7. Merger/Acquisition 04-Sep-2024 $646M Completed Generating Revenue
6. Debt - General 01-Jan-2022 Completed Generating Revenue
5. Debt - General 24-Jan-2017 Completed Generating Revenue
4. Later Stage VC (Series A) 25-Jun-2015 Completed Generating Revenue
3. Later Stage VC (Series A) 16-Oct-2014 Completed Generating Revenue
2. Later Stage VC (Series A) 15-Aug-2013 $6.7M $7.13M Completed Generating Revenue
1. Angel (individual) 28-Oct-2008 $431K $431K Completed Startup
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Ironshore Therapeutics Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Developer of proprietary drugs designed to develop and commercialize first-in-class treatment options to improve the liv
Drug Delivery
Morrisville, NC
10 As of 2022

Kansas City, KS

Cambridge, MA
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Ironshore Therapeutics Competitors (30)

One of Ironshore Therapeutics’s 30 competitors is Cingulate, a Formerly VC-backed company based in Kansas City, KS.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Cingulate Formerly VC-backed Kansas City, KS
AnTolRx Venture Capital-Backed Cambridge, MA
Kinoxis Therapeutics Venture Capital-Backed Melbourne, Australia
Ability Pharma Private Equity-Backed Barcelona, Spain
Ripple Therapeutics Venture Capital-Backed Toronto, Canada
You’re viewing 5 of 30 competitors. Get the full list »

Ironshore Therapeutics Patents

Ironshore Therapeutics Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
JP-2023033571-A Methylphenidate compositions for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Inactive 25-Jan-2019
EP-3914248-A1 Methylphenidate compositions for treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Pending 25-Jan-2019
EP-3914248-A4 Methylphenidate compositions for treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Pending 25-Jan-2019
CA-2830788-A1 Methods and compositions for treatment of attention deficit disorder Active 23-Mar-2011
JP-2016117767-A Methods and compositions for treatment of attention deficit disorder Inactive 23-Mar-2011 A61K9/0053
To view Ironshore Therapeutics’s complete patent history, request access »

Ironshore Therapeutics Signals

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Ironshore Therapeutics Former Investors (3)

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds
Citibank Group Corporation Minority
Eastern Capital (Pakistan) Venture Capital Minority
Highland's Clinical Development group Corporation Minority
To view Ironshore Therapeutics’s complete investors history, request access »

Ironshore Therapeutics FAQs

  • When was Ironshore Therapeutics founded?

    Ironshore Therapeutics was founded in 2008.

  • Where is Ironshore Therapeutics headquartered?

    Ironshore Therapeutics is headquartered in Morrisville, NC.

  • What is the size of Ironshore Therapeutics?

    Ironshore Therapeutics has 10 total employees.

  • What industry is Ironshore Therapeutics in?

    Ironshore Therapeutics’s primary industry is Drug Delivery.

  • Is Ironshore Therapeutics a private or public company?

    Ironshore Therapeutics is a Private company.

  • What is the current valuation of Ironshore Therapeutics?

    The current valuation of Ironshore Therapeutics is .

  • What is Ironshore Therapeutics’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for Ironshore Therapeutics is .

  • How much funding has Ironshore Therapeutics raised over time?

    Ironshore Therapeutics has raised $345M.

  • Who are Ironshore Therapeutics’s investors?

    Citibank Group, Eastern Capital (Pakistan), and Highland's Clinical Development group have invested in Ironshore Therapeutics.

  • Who are Ironshore Therapeutics’s competitors?

    Cingulate, AnTolRx, Kinoxis Therapeutics, Ability Pharma, and Ripple Therapeutics are some of the 30 competitors of Ironshore Therapeutics.

  • When was Ironshore Therapeutics acquired?

    Ironshore Therapeutics was acquired on 04-Sep-2024.

  • Who acquired Ironshore Therapeutics?

    Ironshore Therapeutics was acquired by Collegium Pharmaceutical.

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