Ploucquet Overview
- Year Founded
- Status
- Employees
- Latest Deal Type
- Financing Rounds
- Investments
Ploucquet General Information
Manufacturer of ecological textiles catering to automotive, textile, aviation and transport sectors. The company provides textile finishing solutions including dying, printing, drying, coating and lamination.
Contact Information
Website Subsidiary)
Corporate Office
- Ostritzer Allee 8
- 02763 Zittau
- Germany
Corporate Office
- Ostritzer Allee 8
- 02763 Zittau
- Germany
Ploucquet Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Valuation/ EBITDA |
Post-Val | Status | Debt |
Ploucquet Executive Team (3)
Name | Title | Board Seat |
Matthias Maier | Co-Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director |
Ploucquet Signals
Ploucquet Former Investors
Investor Name | Investor Type | Holding | Investor Since | Participating Rounds | Contact Info |
Ploucquet Acquisitions (2)
Company Name | Deal Date | Deal Type | Deal Size | Industry | Lead Partner |
Christian Dierig (Lining Materials Operations) | 01-Jun-2011 | Plant Textiles | |||
Tempex | 01-Jan-1964 | Merger/Acquisition | Clothing |
Ploucquet FAQs
When was Ploucquet founded?
Ploucquet was founded in 1805.
Who is the CEO of Ploucquet?
Matthias Maier is the CEO of Ploucquet.
Where is Ploucquet headquartered?
Ploucquet is headquartered in Zittau, Germany.
What is the size of Ploucquet?
Ploucquet has 134 total employees.
What industry is Ploucquet in?
Ploucquet’s primary industry is Synthetic Textiles.
Is Ploucquet a private or public company?
Ploucquet is a Private company.
What is Ploucquet’s current revenue?
The current revenue for Ploucquet is
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Who are Ploucquet’s investors?
Annex Capital, Kufner Group, Morgan Stanley, and Sympatex Holding have invested in Ploucquet.
When was Ploucquet acquired?
Ploucquet was acquired on 24-Jan-2018.
Who acquired Ploucquet?
Ploucquet was acquired by Constantia Industries.
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