Aytu Biopharma Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2015

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Public

  • Employees
  • 102


  • Stock Symbol
  • AYTU

Stock Symbol

  • Investments
  • 11

  • Share Price
  • $1.44
  • (As of Friday Closing)

Aytu Biopharma General Information


Aytu BioPharma Inc is a specialty pharmaceutical company with a commercial portfolio of prescription therapeutics and consumer health products. The company's primary prescription products treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other common pediatric conditions. It is building a complementary therapeutic development pipeline including a prospective treatment (AR101/enzastaurin) for vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a rare genetic disease resulting in high morbidity and a significantly shortened lifespan. The company operates in two segments Rx Segment, consisting of prescription pharmaceutical products and Consumer Health segments of which the company generates maximum revenue from the Rx segment.

Contact Information

Formerly Known As
Rosewind, Luoxis Diagnostics, Vyrix Pharmaceuticals, Rosewind Corp, Aytu Bioscience, Inc
Ownership Status
Publicly Held
Financing Status
Private Debt Financed
Corporate Office
  • Denver Corporate Center III, 7900 East Union Avenue
  • Suite 920
  • Denver, CO 80237
  • United States
+1 (855)
Primary Industry
Other Industries
Stock Exchange
Corporate Office
  • Denver Corporate Center III, 7900 East Union Avenue
  • Suite 920
  • Denver, CO 80237
  • United States
+1 (855)

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Aytu Biopharma Stock Performance

As of 13-Dec-2024, Aytu Biopharma’s stock price is $1.44. Its current market cap is $8.86M with 6.15M shares.

(As of Friday Closing)

Stock Price Previous Close 52 wk Range Market Cap Shares Average Volume EPS
$1.44 $1.50 $1.40 - $3.45 $8.86M 6.15M 35.8K -$1.14

Aytu Biopharma Financials Summary

As of 30-Sep-2024, Aytu Biopharma has a trailing 12-month revenue of $75.5M.

In Thousands,
TTM 30-Sep-2024 FY 2024 30-Jun-2024 FY 2023 30-Jun-2023 FY 2022 30-Jun-2022
EV 9,573 14,395 14,753 20,265
Revenue 75,477 81,002 107,399 96,669
EBITDA 2,250 (1,884) (4,688) (99,089)
Net Income (6,250) (15,844) (17,051) (108,779)
Total Assets 115,831 118,095 136,463 137,623
Total Debt 16,557 15,129 16,361 18,188
Public Fundamental Data provided by Morningstar, Inc. disclaimer

Aytu Biopharma Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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Aytu Biopharma Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Aytu BioPharma Inc is a specialty pharmaceutical company with a commercial portfolio of prescription therapeutics and co
Denver, CO
102 As of 2024

Ewing, NJ

Basel, Switzerland
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Aytu Biopharma Competitors (7)

One of Aytu Biopharma’s 7 competitors is Antares Pharma, a Formerly VC-backed company based in Ewing, NJ.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Antares Pharma Formerly VC-backed Ewing, NJ
Novartis Corporation Basel, Switzerland
Tris Pharma Private Debt Financed Monmouth Junction, NJ
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Corporation Tokyo, Japan
Urigen N.A. Corporate Backed or Acquired North Brunswick, NJ
You’re viewing 5 of 7 competitors. Get the full list »

Aytu Biopharma Patents

Aytu Biopharma Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
US-11534474-B1 Oral compositions for bladder regulation and uses thereof Active 29-Jul-2021
CA-3171318-A1 Oral compositions for bladder regulation and uses thereof Pending 29-Jul-2021
US-20160313296-A1 Use of orp for characterizing stroke patients Inactive 21-Apr-2015
EP-3223747-A2 Determination of fertility potential from the oxidation-reduction potential of a biological sample Active 25-Nov-2014
AU-2015353639-B2 Determination of fertility potential from the oxidation-reduction potential of a biological sample Inactive 25-Nov-2014 G01N33/48707
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Aytu Biopharma Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

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Aytu Biopharma Investors

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds Contact Info

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Aytu Biopharma Investments & Acquisitions (11)

Aytu Biopharma’s most recent deal was a Merger/Acquisition with Rumpus Therapeutics for . The deal was made on 12-Apr-2021.

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
Rumpus Therapeutics 12-Apr-2021 Merger/Acquisition Drug Discovery
Neos Therapeutics 19-Mar-2021 Merger/Acquisition Drug Discovery
Innovus Pharmaceuticals 14-Feb-2020 Merger/Acquisition Pharmaceuticals
Cerecor (Pediatric Portfolio) 01-Nov-2019 Corporate Asset Purchase Buildings and Property
Tris Pharma (Tuzistra XR) 02-Nov-2018 Corporate Asset Purchase Buildings and Property
You’re viewing 5 of 11 investments and acquisitions. Get the full list »

Aytu Biopharma Subsidiaries (1)

Company Name Industry Location Founded
Innovus Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals San Diego, CA
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Aytu Biopharma ESG

Risk Overview

Risk Rating

Updated August, 31, 2020

15.3 | Low Risk

Risk Scale

A lower score indicates better sustainability












Exposure refers to the extent to which a company is exposed to different material ESG issues


Management is related to actions taken to manage ESG issues

Peers Analysis

Peer performance insights compare the company’s ESG performance to the performance of selected peers to help inform future ESG decisions and drive internal performance improvements.


Covered Companies

of 14,042



Consumer Services


of 434



Consumer Services


of 120



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Aytu Biopharma Exits (1)

Aytu Biopharma’s most recent exit was on 31-Oct-2015 from FSC Pediatrics (Primsol Business). The exit was categorized as .

Company Name Exit Date Exit Type Exit Size Status Buyers
FSC Pediatrics (Primsol Business) 31-Oct-2015 Completed
To view Aytu Biopharma’s complete exits history, request access »

Aytu Biopharma FAQs

  • When was Aytu Biopharma founded?

    Aytu Biopharma was founded in 2015.

  • Where is Aytu Biopharma headquartered?

    Aytu Biopharma is headquartered in Denver, CO.

  • What is the size of Aytu Biopharma?

    Aytu Biopharma has 102 total employees.

  • What industry is Aytu Biopharma in?

    Aytu Biopharma’s primary industry is Biotechnology.

  • Is Aytu Biopharma a private or public company?

    Aytu Biopharma is a Public company.

  • What is Aytu Biopharma’s stock symbol?

    The ticker symbol for Aytu Biopharma is AYTU.

  • What is the current stock price of Aytu Biopharma?

    As of 13-Dec-2024 the stock price of Aytu Biopharma is $1.44.

  • What is the current market cap of Aytu Biopharma?

    The current market capitalization of Aytu Biopharma is $8.86M.

  • What is Aytu Biopharma’s current revenue?

    The trailing twelve month revenue for Aytu Biopharma is $75.5M.

  • Who are Aytu Biopharma’s competitors?

    Antares Pharma, Novartis, Tris Pharma, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, and Urigen N.A. are some of the 7 competitors of Aytu Biopharma.

  • What is Aytu Biopharma’s annual earnings per share (EPS)?

    Aytu Biopharma’s EPS for 12 months was -$1.14.

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