South 8 Technologies Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2016

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Private

  • Employees
  • 47


  • Latest Deal Type
  • Debt

  • Latest Deal Amount
  • $1.47M

  • Investors
  • 20

South 8 Technologies General Information


Developer of liquefied gas electrolyte and lithium-ion batteries designed for secondary lithium and electrochemical capacitors. The company's batteries permit a substantial increase in energy density and performance at record low temperatures while maintaining power characteristics, enabling transportation, high-atmosphere, aerospace, and military industries to mitigate thermal runaway, and substantially lower flammability than conventional capacitor materials.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Privately Held (backing)
Financing Status
Venture Capital-Backed
Corporate Office
  • 3030 Bunker Hill Street
  • Suite 105
  • San Diego, CA 92109
  • United States
+1 (858)
Primary Industry
Industrial Chemicals
Other Industries
Electrical Equipment
Corporate Office
  • 3030 Bunker Hill Street
  • Suite 105
  • San Diego, CA 92109
  • United States
+1 (858)

South 8 Technologies Timeline

Financing RoundCaptured Employee CountEstimated Employee Growth

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South 8 Technologies Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage
15. Debt - General 26-May-2023 $1.47M Completed
14. Later Stage VC (Series B) 21-May-2024 Completed Generating Revenue
13. Accelerator/Incubator Completed Generating Revenue
12. Accelerator/Incubator Completed Generating Revenue
11. Later Stage VC 25-Aug-2023 Completed Generating Revenue
10. Grant 11-Jan-2023 Completed Generating Revenue
9. Grant 30-Nov-2022 Completed Generating Revenue
8. Later Stage VC (Series A) 01-Dec-2021 Completed Generating Revenue
7. Accelerator/Incubator 01-Jun-2018 Completed Startup
6. Accelerator/Incubator 24-Mar-2018 Completed Startup
To view South 8 Technologies’s complete valuation and funding history, request access »

South 8 Technologies Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Developer of liquefied gas electrolyte and lithium-ion batteries designed for secondary lithium and electrochemical capa
Industrial Chemicals
San Diego, CA
47 As of 2024

Milpitas, CA

Reno, NV
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South 8 Technologies Competitors (6)

One of South 8 Technologies’s 6 competitors is TeraWatt Technology, a Venture Capital-Backed company based in Milpitas, CA.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
TeraWatt Technology Venture Capital-Backed Milpitas, CA
Dragonfly Energy Holdings Private Debt Financed Reno, NV
XALT Energy Formerly PE-Backed Midland, MI
24M Venture Capital-Backed Cambridge, MA
Corvus Energy Venture Capital-Backed Nesttun, Norway
To view South 8 Technologies’s complete competitors history, request access »

South 8 Technologies Patents

South 8 Technologies Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
US-12152816-B1 Apparatus and method of liquefied gas electrolyte preparation Active 02-May-2024
US-20240356182-A1 Battery cell design for improved safety Active 24-Apr-2023
US-12113245-B1 Battery cell design for improved safety Active 24-Apr-2023
US-20240387961-A1 Battery cell design for improved safety Pending 24-Apr-2023
US-20240356173-A1 Conductive power rod for electrochemical cell Pending 22-Apr-2023 H01M50/3425
To view South 8 Technologies’s complete patent history, request access »

South 8 Technologies Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

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South 8 Technologies Investors (20)

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds
U.S. Department of Energy Government
Anzu Partners Venture Capital Minority
Cleantech Open Accelerator/Incubator Minority
Foothill Ventures Venture Capital Minority
LG Technology Ventures Corporate Venture Capital Minority
You’re viewing 5 of 20 investors. Get the full list »

South 8 Technologies FAQs

  • When was South 8 Technologies founded?

    South 8 Technologies was founded in 2016.

  • Where is South 8 Technologies headquartered?

    South 8 Technologies is headquartered in San Diego, CA.

  • What is the size of South 8 Technologies?

    South 8 Technologies has 47 total employees.

  • What industry is South 8 Technologies in?

    South 8 Technologies’s primary industry is Industrial Chemicals.

  • Is South 8 Technologies a private or public company?

    South 8 Technologies is a Private company.

  • What is South 8 Technologies’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for South 8 Technologies is .

  • How much funding has South 8 Technologies raised over time?

    South 8 Technologies has raised $14.4M.

  • Who are South 8 Technologies’s investors?

    U.S. Department of Energy, Anzu Partners, Cleantech Open, Foothill Ventures, and LG Technology Ventures are 5 of 20 investors who have invested in South 8 Technologies.

  • Who are South 8 Technologies’s competitors?

    TeraWatt Technology, Dragonfly Energy Holdings, XALT Energy, 24M, and Corvus Energy are some of the 6 competitors of South 8 Technologies.

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