IDG Capital Overview

  • Investor Type
  • Venture Capital

  • Status
  • Active

  • Professionals
  • 56


  • Investments
  • 1,508

  • Portfolio
  • 661

  • Exits
  • 373


IDG Capital General Information

Company Description

Founded in 1992, IDG Capital is a venture capital firm based in Beijing, China. The firm prefers to invest in seed-stage, early-stage, and later-stage companies. The firm also prefers to invest in growth-stage companies through buyouts. The firm seeks to invest in business products, business services, consumer products, consumer services, information technology, healthcare, energy, SaaS, mobile, TMT, advanced manufacturing, and technology-based sectors in Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mainland China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Business Details

Formerly Known As
IDG Capital Partners
Year Founded
Investor Status
Actively Seeking New Investments
Trade Association
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
Primary Investor Type
Venture Capital
Other Investor Types
Corporate Office
  • 6 Floor, Tower A, COFCO Plaza
  • 8 Jianguomen Avenue
  • Beijing, 100005
  • China
+86 010

IDG Capital Investments & Acquisitions (1,508)

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Company Stage Lead Partner
GalBot 18-Nov-2024 Early Stage VC Computers, Parts and Peripherals Generating Revenue
Party Icons 23-Oct-2024 Entertainment Software Generating Revenue
Xunlu AI 22-Oct-2024 Business/Productivity Software Generating Revenue
Bsquared network 21-Oct-2024 Software Development Applications Startup
Fulling Motor 30-Sep-2024 Industrial Supplies and Parts Generating Revenue
GAIB 24-Sep-2024 Other Financial Services Generating Revenue
DianZhuJiao 21-Aug-2024 Household Appliances Startup
Zhongyu Green Energy 07-Aug-2024 Industrial Supplies and Parts Generating Revenue
Humatrix Medical 05-Aug-2024 Early Stage VC Surgical Devices Generating Revenue
Sentient 02-Jul-2024 Seed Round Software Development Applications Generating Revenue
You’re viewing 10 of 1,508 investments and acquisitions. Get the full list »

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IDG Capital Exits (373)

Company Name Exit Date Exit Type Exit Size 27-Nov-2024 IPO
Royole 18-Nov-2024
About Time Coffee 31-Oct-2024
Horizon Robotics 24-Oct-2024
WeRide (Automotive) 21-Oct-2024
Plum (Internet Retail) 23-Sep-2024
BloomSky 18-Sep-2024
Dida Chuxing 20-Jun-2024
ZCOOL 27-Mar-2024 Merger/Acquisition
Plair 16-Mar-2024 Out of Business
You’re viewing 10 of 373 exits. Get the full list »

IDG Capital Fund Performance

Fund Name Vintage Size Dry Powder DPI RVPI TVPI IRR

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IDG Capital Investments by Industry, Year, and Region

Investments by Industry

Investments by Year

Investments by Region

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IDG Capital Co-Investors (951)

Name With Exits Lead Partner Series Industry
HongShan 39 Series chart Industry bar
GL Ventures Series chart Industry bar
Qiming Venture Partners Series chart Industry bar
Tencent Investment Series chart Industry bar
5Y Capital Series chart Industry bar
You’re viewing 5 of 951 co-investors. Get the full list »

IDG Capital FAQs

  • What is IDG Capital?

    Founded in 1992, IDG Capital is a venture capital firm based in Beijing, China.

  • When was IDG Capital founded?

    IDG Capital was founded in 1992.

  • Where is IDG Capital headquartered?

    IDG Capital is headquartered in Beijing, China.

  • What is IDG Capital's total asset value?

    IDG Capital has around in total assets under management.

  • How many investments has IDG Capital made?

    IDG Capital has made 1,508 investments.

  • What has IDG Capital invested in?

    IDG Capital has made numerous investments in companies like GalBot, Party Icons, and Xunlu AI within the Computers, Parts and Peripherals, Entertainment Software, and Business/Productivity Software industries.

  • What has IDG Capital invested in recently?

    IDG Capital's latest investment was on 18-Nov-2024 in GalBot, a company within the Computers, Parts and Peripherals industry.

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